Friday, February 1, 2008

Hallie v. Xenu

I don't care how many
millions of monkey-people he chained
to exploding volcanoes.
If that SOB tries to mark territory
on my block,
there will be blood!


I don't care how many millions of monkey-people he chained to exploding volcanoes. If that SOB tries marking territory on my block, there will be blood!



Anonymous said...

L. Ron Hubbard obviously did not have the benefit of associating with intelligent, right-thinking dogs such as we.

As I contemplate Super Bowl weekend (during which I will get many monkey-person treats), it's such a relief to see another post from my fave dog blog. I thought I'd have to resort to reading an inferior blog. Once again you come through, mighty pack leader.

~Gamma Gwen~

Unknown said...

All I gotta say is...Xenu ain't got nuthin' against a glorious North Georgia mini-retriever!