Thursday, November 6, 2008

Am I a Republican?

Am I a Republican? After my post of November 5th, I have received a number of confused emails from my pack. Didn't I offer to serve as Joe Biden's running mate all those many months ago? Wasn't that a declaration of my loyalty to the Democrats?

The truth is, I have no real grasp of or sympathy for representative democracy. What I understand and appreciate is MEAT. And, at the time, Biden just seemed radiate this "I'm a meat lover" kind of vibe. He even has the proud white mane of an old hunter. So I aligned myself with his pack.

As I followed the presidential campaign more closely, however, I began to get worried. What is this "tax policy" issue they keep barking about? They said that if I made more than 250,000.00 dollars, that Obama-Biden would redistribute my wealth. I have never received tributes in the form of Monkey-People dollars, but I am the hungry recipient of meat. Lots of it. So that's when I consulted an online currency converter and discovered the horrifying truth. In Canine Meat-per-Diem Units (CAMDUs)I am a multi-millionaire! Consequently, I would be significantly disadvantaged by Obama's tax plan.

Within nanoseconds, I became an ardent Republican . . .

And that's why you find me looking so glum in that photo. Those bastards want to steal my meat!

This isn't over.


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