Friday, April 17, 2009

Bo Gives Me a Tour of the White House

Unfortunately, though, my inspection of his (enormous!) den was repeatedly interrupted by this "guy" who kept running around. What a pain in my furry pantaloons! I think he finally got the message and ran off in a different direction. With him out of the way, it was easy to assert my dominance over Bo. He is now frantically working to fast-track my appointment as Chief Meat Inspector for the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. And if he should fail, I simply told Bo, "Remember Vincent Van Gogh . . . ".


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Hallie,

Chief meat inspector. Waaaay cool. Hope ya get the appointment. BTW, did I ever tell you that my monkey-person is a freakin' vegetarian?? So when I'm offered leftovers it's stuff like broccoli and squash and beans. Man, bein' a Beta Dog ain't easy. I'll bet you'd be able to get him to buy meat for you. Sigh.

Your Beta Friend