Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Xmas "Shit List" Advisory

If you want to have a merry Christmas this year, well then TAKE CARE OF MY NEEDS! I do have a list. I am checking it twice. I'm also sharpening my teeth on a couple of old bones I keep around the floor here and there . . .



Anonymous said...

It is in the mail. look for it in the next two days.

Anonymous said...

I hope you received at least TWO of everything on your list. As for me, I got everything I need when it decided to snow four days in a row and then get wonderfully cold. I ADORE lying in the snow. I don't even mind if the rabbits and squirrels run around the yard. Let them. I'm in heaven.

Your Beta friend

Anonymous said...

Good Day im new to this. I came upon this message board I find It exceedingly accommodating and it's helped me alot. I hope to contribute and support other people like it has helped me.

Thanks Everyone, Catch You About.

Anonymous said...

Whats's Up i am new here. I came upon this website I have found It quite useful and it's helped me out so much. I should be able to give something back and help others like it has helped me.

Thank's, See You Later.

Anonymous said...

Hi-ya im fresh on here. I came accross this board I have found It incredibly accommodating and it's helped me loads. I hope to give something back & aid others like it has helped me.

Thank You, See Ya About.