Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Object!

Unlike that loser-boy, super-Omega Gus-Gus on the other side of my monkey-person, I object to being forced to assume some "cute" and "tender" pose of drowsy togetherness. I object! The place of a Pack Leader is not on her back in the submissive position! (Moments after this photo was taken, I ate the photographer.)



Anonymous said...

Careful there pack leader; this image almost looks as if you are enjoying a tummy rub.

Despite eating the photographer, you did not get the evidence. That is like leaving the "tapes" in the machine for the special prosecutor to find.

Though, I will admit that it is good to see you with the Omega, and your monkey person.

Anonymous said...


Glad to see you haven't eaten super-omega dog. Obviously, omegas know their place, which is on their backs, allowing you to eat first, and leaving all your toys alone. Good omega!

your beta friend