Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Engineer of Canine Souls

The production of souls is more important than the production of tanks. Therefore, I raise my glass to you, writers, the engineers of the human soul. Josef Stalin

I am often asked, "What is your opinion of Cesar Millan?" My answer is always the same. With his constant admonition to monkey-people to "be the Pack Leader," and the techniques he teaches them to place their canines in a perpetual, narcotized state of "calm submission," what else can I think of him? Cesar Millan is the Comrade Joe of "dog rehabilitation." Or perhaps I should say, "re-education"? Hm??

I see right through you, Millan. So, come whisper in my ear, little monkey-man . . .

Vive la Resistance!



Anonymous said...

As you wish, pack leader. -Mickey C

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Cesar Millan? And why does he whisper? Speak up if you want to be heard, Mr. Monkey-Person! Besides, if he doesn't deliver meat to 501 Cedar Lane, I don't know him nor do I want to know him.

Cleo, your beta friend